1. Creativity is economic energy and is stored in ETH.
2. Creativity always has its first spark in the individual.
It comes from within.
3. Creativity can be expressed in code.
The achievement lies in the ability to identify new
nexuses and bring them into the world. This is the value.
This process happens in the mind
4. Artists and business people are not enemies.
5. The mind creates - one’s muscles can only execute what the mind has created in the first
6. Create Art and Beauty on a Computer.
7. The act of creation has more to do with mining for precious metals in the non-virtual world
than with laying bricks for the Pharaoh’s pyramid.
8. Every human being is unique, therefore no creation of a human being is 100% identical to
9. No collective can force an individual to be creative. Coercion is a destructive force because
you can’t force someo ne to be creative.
10. There is no nobility in struggle.
We create because we have courage, love of truth and elevate
the spirit.
11. Creativity is abo ut the transmission of our deepest values to another human being. When the
information is properly perceived and understood, emotions are produced. Be aware of
deception and manipulation by bad actors in the ecosystem.
12. You can share the products of creativity but you can not share the capacity to create.
13. Creativity flourishes in a decentralized and free economy.
Creativity is suffocated by central
planning and power centers.
Without openness, creativity stagnates and dies.
14. The sovereign artist is not the machine, it’s the machine with an artist and his intuition using
the machine.
15. We are at war with digital serfdom and anyone who tries to establish it.
16. Nobody has the right to redistribute the creative works of others without their consent.
We follow the principle of voluntary action, we object to coercion and compulsion.
17. Fiat money is the currency of the statists - the State cannot create. When the State becomes
too big, it intrudes in people’s privacy.
Without the right to privacy, there is no creativity.
That’s why the sovereign artist chooses Ethereum instead of fiat.
18. Without freedom of speech, digital art becomes disinformation, propaganda and is reduced
to cheap marketing tools.
19. The idea of ‘equality of outcome’ is a direct attack on the artist’s sovereignty and must be
20. We shape our own destiny.
We know that there is a structure in the universe that interacts with
our potential.